Upcoming Events

International, national, and regional meetings of interest to colleagues working in exploration, environmental and other areas of applied geochemistry. 


29 June – 8 July 2024. XXIV International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference - Surveying, Geology and Mining, Ecology and Management (SGEM). Varna Bulgaria. Website: www.sgem.org/index.php

8–12 July 2024. 12th International Kimberlite Conference. Yellowknife NT Canada. Website: 12ikc.ca

15–18 July 2024. 11th Annual International Conference on Geology Earth Science. Athens Greece. Website:  atiner.gr/geology

21–26 July 2024. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Cape Town South Africa. Website: tinyurl.com/mw37tdh4

28 July – 1 August 2024. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2024. Cleveland OH USA. Website: tinyurl.com/mpwbhcw7

28 July – 2 August 2024. Contemporary Applications of Organic Geochemical Research (Gordon Research Conference). Holderness NH USA. Website: grc.org/organic-geochemistry-conference/2024

4–9 August 2024. Biomineralization (Gordon Research Conference). New London NH USA. Website: www.grc.org/biomineralization-conference/2024

6–8 August 2024. 2024 International Ni-Cu Symposium. Thunder Bay ON Canada. Website: ec.lakeheadu.ca/ni-cu

11–15 August 2024. IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition. Toronto ON Canada. Website: worldwatercongress.org

11–18 August 2024. ISEG: International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Galway Ireland. Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/iseh-iceph

18-23 August 2024. 4th European Mineralogical Conference. Dublin Ireland. Website: emc-2024.org

18–25 August 2024. Goldschmidt 2024. Chicago IL USA. Website:  conf.goldschmidt.info/goldschmidt/2024/meetingapp.cgi

24–30 August 2024. 35th International Geographical Congress. Dublin Ireland. Website: igc2024dublin.org

25–27 August 2024. 14th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation (2024). Barcelona Spain. Website: icepr.org

25–31 August 2024. 37th International Geological Congress. Busan, Republic of Korea. Website: www.igc2024korea.org

4–6 September 2024. Discoveries in the Tasmanides. Albury NSW Australia. Website: www.minesandwines.com.au

15–18 September 2024. Interfaces Against Pollution 2024. Torino Italy. Website: iap2024torino.it/iap-2024-torino

15–19 September 2024. 12th International Conference on the Analysis of Geological and Environmental materials, Geoanalysis 2024. Wuhan China. Website: https://geoanalysis2024.aconf.org/

22–25 September 2024. Geological Society of America, Connects 2024. Anaheim CA USA.  Website:  community.geosociety.org/gsa2024/home

27–30 September 2024. Society of Economic Geologists, SEG 2024 Conference in Windhoek Namibia. Website: www.segweb.org/SEG-2024/SEG-Conference/SEG-2024/Home.aspx

2–4 October 2024. Mongolia Mining 2024. Ulanbataar Mongolia. Website: mongolia-mining.mn

6–9 October 2024. MS&T24: Materials Science &Technology. Pittsburgh PA USA. Website: www.matscitech.org/MST/MST24

13–16 November Geological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA. Website: gsa2024.org

14–18 October 2024. 30th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS). Adelaide SA Australia. Website: iags2024.com.au

7–9 November 2024. International Conference on Geology and Earth Sciences. Bali Indonesia. Website: icges.org

22–24 November 2024. Seventh International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2024). Shanghai China. Website: www.iwegconf.org

25–28 November 2024. Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting. Barcelona Spain. Website: 2024.medgu.org

1–6 December 2024. American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA) Annual Meeting. Reno Nevada, USA. Website: www.miningamerica.org/annualmeeting/


20-23 January Association of Mining and Mineral Exploration BC (AMEBC) Cordilleran Round Up Convention. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Website: roundup.amebc.ca/

2–5 March 2025. Prospectors and Developers Convention, Toronto, Canada, Website:  pdac.ca/convention

2–7 March 2025. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. Berlin Germany. Website: ewcps2025.de

27 April – 2 May 2025. European Geosciences Union, EGU, EGU 2025 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. Website: egu25.eu 

3–7 August 2025. 18th SGA Biennial Meeting. Golden CO USA. Website: sga2025.org

8–12 September 2025. Eurosoil 2025. Seville Spain. Website: soilscience.eu/eurosoil-2025


Please let us know of your events by sending details to

Ray Lett
Email: raylett@shaw.ca


Elizabeth Ambrose
Email: eambrose0048@rogers.com