When was it? August 28 - September 3, 2003
Where was it? Dublin, Ireland
Abstracts Volume: Download here (PDF 1.83MB)
Conference Talks:
-Recent Advances in Exploration Geochemistry and Future Directions (Jaacks) (481KB)
-Some Observations on Geogas Survey in China (Mingqi & Zhongfang) (740KB)
-Performance of Waste Rock Covers - Rum Jungle (Taylor, Spain, Nefiodovas, Bennett, Timms, Kuznetsov) (5841KB)
-Environmental Geochemistry for the Mining Industry (Glanzman) (1098KB)
-The Brukunga Pyrite Mine: A Field Laboratory for ARD Studies (Taylor, Cox) (3294KB)
-Iron Oxyhydroxide Minerals as pH Indicators in the Exploration for Precious Metals (Hauff, Bird, Peters, Coulter, Prosh, Sares, Henderson) (4879KB)
-210Pb-Derived Chronology in Sediment Cores Evidencing the Anthropogenic Occupation History at Corumbatai River Basin, Brazil (Bonotto, Nepomuceno de Lima) (3272KB)
-Sources of Pb in Children in a Primary Zn-Pb Smelter Environment (Gulson, Mizon, Davis) (933KB)
-The Use of Mass Loading Studies to Identify Sources of Trace Metal Inflow to Streams Affected by Historical Mining - A Potential Exploration Tool (Walton-Day, Kimball, Runkel) (6132KB)
-Are all Models Created Equal? Finding Targets from Early-Stage Exploration Data (Moon) (2800KB)
-Dispersion of Low Abundance Elements Determined Using Commercial ICP-ES/MS: Case Studies from Cornwall, England (Moon) (2555KB)
-Recent Advances in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping and Analylsis (Raines) (2807KB)
-Case Studies Using Portable XRF Analysers During Soil Contamination and Mineral Exploration Projects (Houlahan) (774KB)
-Exploration in Ireland: 1960-2003 (Clifford) (2286KB)
-Regional Geochemical Mapping in the Caledonides of Southeast Ireland (O'Connor, Gallagher) (3707KB)
-Differences Between Heavy Metal Concentrations in Sediments Analysed by Two Methods (Zhang, O'Connor) (2502KB)
-Modern Geochemical Techniques for Exploration in Glaciated Terrains: An Overview (Coker) (7116KB)
-Deep-Penetrating Geochemistry: Northern Chile (Cameron, Leybourne) (1931KB)
-Electrochemical Transport of Metals due to Redox Gradients (Hamilton, Hall, McClenaghan, Cameron, Hattori) (2136KB)
-Mechanism for Vertical Ionic Migration (Mann, Foster, Mann) (1094KB)
-Drift Prospecting and Exploration Geochemistry in Glaciated Terrain, Northwestern New Brunswick, Canada (Parkhill) (7818KB)
-Geochemical Exploration for Palladium in Ontario (Hattori, Cameron) (2355KB)
-Geochemical and Mineralogical Dispersion Models in Till: Physical Process Constraints and Impacts on Geochemical Exploration Interpretation (Stanley) (971KB) + version with Notes (984KB)
-Use of Indicator Minerals in Exploration (McClenaghan, Doherty) (8641KB)
-Case History of a Heavy Indicator Mineral Survey, Nickel Exploration in Quebec (Doherty, Osborne) (2691KB)
-Use of Indicator Minerals in Exploration: Indicator Minerals for Ni-Cu-PGE Exploration (Averill) (9950KB)
-Forecasting Lode Gold Potential From Physican and Chemical Characteristics of Placer Gold Grains: An Example from French Guiana (Kelley, Brommecker, Averill) (1189KB)
-Mapping of Mineralized Groundwater Discharge into Lakes and Rivers (Hostetler, Ray, Dyer, Grabowski, Guindon, Kelly) (2267KB)
-Trace Element Chemistry of Stream Water from Arctic Greenland Reflecting Lithology and Mineralisation (Steenfelt, Hall, Vaive) (1918KB)
-Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Kimberlitic Waters (Sader, McClenaghan, Hamilton) (10301KB)
-Recent Developments in Biogechemical Methods Applied to Mineral Exploration (Dunn) (2322KB)
-Biogeochemical Exploration in Arid Terrains: An Example from the Rosebud Mine in Pershing County, Nevada (Smith) (1770KB)
-Biogeochemistry: New Data from South Australia (Lintern) (1095KB)
-Lithogeochemical Halos: VHMS and SEDEX (Large) (2118KB)
-Lithogeochemistry and Hydrothermal Alteration at the Pajingo Low Sulphidation Epithermal Gold Vein Deposit, Drummond Basin, Queensland (Stanley, Baker, Mustard, Brown, Badford, Butler) (2500KB)
-Ratio Analysis in Lithogeochemistry: Quantifying Alteration and Integrating Results into Exploration Efforts (Whitbread) (874KB)
-Lithogeochemical Exploration in Deep Regolith at the Golden Grove Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulphide Deposit, Western Australia: An Example of Mineralogically Constrained Geochemical Projective Geometry to Identify Hydrothermal Alteration in Intensely Weathered Rocks (Stanley, Radford) (2367KB)
-Identification and Chemical Fingerprinting of a Mesoproterozoic Large Igneous Province (LIP) in Western Australia (Morris, Pirajno, Wingate) (2908KB)
-Developments in Geochemical Data Processing and Presentation: Some Useful Tools for Evaluating Multi-Element Geochemical Data (Grunsky) (6162KB)
-Estimation Bias of Mineral Deposits Caused by Grade-Based Staging of Multiple Analyses in Samples Exhibiting a 'Nugget Effect' (Stanley, Smee) (941KB)
-Signature Detection in Geochemical Data Using Singular Value Decmoposition and Semi Discrete Decomposition (Cohen, Skillicom, Gatehouse, Dairymple) (919KB)
-Maximizing Your Exploration Assets THrough the Effective Use of Data and Software Technologies (Dobush, Milis, Allen, Withers) (6187KB)
-Multi-Medium, Multi-Element Regional Geochemical Mapping in the European Arctic: The Kola Ecogeochemistry Project (Reimann) (11,627KB)
-Implications for Exploration with the use of High Resolution ICP-MS Technology (Hoffman, Kapusta, Dzierzgowska) (4459KB) + version with Notes (3698KB)
-The Baltic Soil Survey (Reimann, Siewers, Tarvainen, Bityukova, Erikson, Gilucis, Gregorauskiene, Lukashev, Matinian, Pasieczna) (3214KB)