24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium

Continuing in the great tradition of 23 previous International Geochemical Exploration Symposia (IGES) by including both exploration and environmental aspects of geochemistry
When: June 1 – 4, 2009
Where: Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Download the Proceedings from the 24th IAGS Symposium*:
VOLUME I SESSIONS: Volume 1: ALL Abstracts (15 MB)
- Deep search geochemical exploration methods (2.1 Mb)
- New and old discoveries: Geochemical exploration case studies (2.5 Mb)
- North Atlantic Minerals Symposium (1.7 Mb)
- Ore forming systems: A geochemical perspective (4.0 Mb)
- Recent developments in lithogeochemical methods with exploration applications (2.7 Mb)
- Uranium deposits: Geochemical exploration techniques to case studies (2.5 Mb)
- Using isotope geochemistry to explore for resources (1.1 Mb)
VOLUME II SESSIONS: Volume II - ALL Abstracts (10.1 Mb)
- Applied aqueous geochemistry (1.7 Mb)
- Applied geochemistry of geological storage of CO2 (0.8 Mb)
- Current capabilities and future prospects of real-time, in-field geochemical analysis (0.9 Mb)
- General Session (2.1 Mb)
- Geochemical aspects of mine wastes (1.6 Mb)
- Geochemical surveys in government - developments and uses (1.9 Mb)
- New frontiers for exploration in glaciated terrain (1.1 Mb)
- North American soil geochemical landscapes project (0.5 Mb)
- Sources, transport, and fate of trace and toxic elements in the environment (1.5 Mb)
* The original printed Proceedings volumes erroneously omitted ten extended abstracts. The omitted abstracts are included in these revised volumes. David Lentz, Kathleen Thorne, and Kristy-Lee Beal are thanked for providing the revised Proceedings volumes.
For more information, contact:
Prof. Dave Lentz
University of New Brunswick (UNB), Fredericton, NB, Canada
Email: dlentz@unb.ca
IAGS Workshop B Indicator Minerals (course notes and PowerPoint presentations):
Complete Course Notes
Workshop B: Indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration: Notes (29 Mb)
Individual presentations
- Indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration: survey design (Benn) (5.2 Mb)
- Sample processing (McClenaghan) (0.3 Mb)
- Mineral chemistry: Modern techniques and applications (Jackson) (2.2 Mb)
- Gahnite composition as a guide in the search for metamorphosed massive sulphide deposits (Spry & Teale) (3 Mb)
- Indicator mineral chemistry: Quality control discussion (Doherty) (1.7 Mb)
- Gold and PGE indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration (McClenaghan) (4 Mb)
- Kimberlite indicator Mineral anomalies in a regional, local, and bedrock context: Examples from Canada (Armstrong) (8.2 Mb)
- Viable indicators in surficial sediments for two major base metal deposit types: Ni-Cu-PGE and porphyry Cu (Averill) (3.3 Mb)
- Introduced particles in indicator mineral processing: a) considerations in preparing test samples for QA/QC; and b) examples of anthropogenic contamination (Michaud & Averill) (2.5 Mb)
- Heavy mineral signature of the Nico Co-Au-Bi Deposit, Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada (McMartin et al) (5.4 Mb)
- Following indicator minerals to Chidliak, Canada's newest diamond district (Clements) (5.2 Mb)
- Public sector case history: Indicator mineral survey of Minnesota (Thorleifson) (8.8 Mb)