22nd International Geochemical Exploration Symposium

When was it? September 19-23, 2005

Where was it? Perth, Australia

Website: http://www.promaco.com.au/conference/2005/iges/ (no longer active)


Abstracts from the 22nd IEGS (574 KB)


Presentations available for download:

01 Stewart Hamilton Electrochemical transport, reduced chimneys and "forest rings" over oxidizable geological features - Understanding the Physics (5.3Mb)
02 Pertti Sarala, Vesa Peuraniemi Use of different fractions and heavy minerals of till for ore prospecting in ribbed moraine areas in souther Finnish Lapland (3.7Mb)
03 Ray Lett, Peter Friske, Wayne Jackman Mineral Exploration Targets in British Columbia, Canada Identified from Regional Stream Geochemical Surveys (5.2Mb)
04 John Gravel, Ray Hrkac, Paul Richardson Soil and Lake Sediment Geochemistry in Diamond Exploration: NWT, Canada (4.6Mb)
05 Paul Polito, Kurt Kyser, Dave Lawie, Steve Cooke, Chris Oates Contamination of peat and moss samples 190 km from the Flin Flon Cu-Zn smelter, Canada: Implications for Exploration (2.4Mb)
06 Jorge Soto, Jorge Loredo, Rodrigo Alvarez, Jesus Garcia Iglesias Geochemical Exploration in an area with Artisanal Gold Mining, Peru (0.7Mb)
07 Megan Lech, Patrice de Caritat, Subhash Jaireth, John Pyke, Ian Lambert Geohealth implications for the Riverina Baseline Geochemistry Survey (1.5Mb)
08 Michael Whitbread, Cliff Stanley Lithogeochemistry Constraints on Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization Processes in the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia (3.1Mb)
09 Kylie Prendergast Lithogeochemistry & Gold Exploration at St Ives, Kambalda, WA (4.2Mb)
10 David Craw Disseminated gold in the Otago Schist, New Zealand (1.3Mb)
11 Huseyin Yilmaz Geochemistry and Stable Isotopes of the Rift-Related Quartz-Adularia-Type Gold-Silver Mineralization, Bergama, Izmir, Turkey (2.4Mb)
12 Keith Scott, Nigel Radford Rutile Compositions at the Big Bell Au Deposit as a Guide for Exploration (2.2Mb)
13 Gabriel Voicu Chromite and tourmaline composition as a guide to mineral exploration (5.0Mb)
14 Karen Hulme, Steve Hill River Red Gums and Mineral Exploration in Australia (2.1Mb)
15 Hamid Hemmati, Allan Chivas Regional Biogeochemical exploration in southern Australia (1.7Mb)
16 Mel Lintern, E Rhodes The role of vegetation in anomaly formation at Barns Gold Prospect, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia (2.5Mb)
17 Marian Skwarnecki, R Fitzpatrick Inland acide sulfate soils - a new geochemical sampling medium: a regional orientation study from the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia (5.4Mb)
18 Maite Le Gleuher, Ravi Anand, Richard Eggleton, Nigel Radford Mineral Hosts for Gold and Trace Metals in Regolith (1.8Mb)
19 Tom Cudahy, M Caccetta, A Cornelius, R Hewson, M Wells, M Skwarnecki, S Halley, P Hausknecht Mapping Regolith and Alteration Mineral Physicochemistries using Airborne Hyperspectral Data (4.1Mb)
20 Leigh Bettenay Lateritic duricrusts: crowning glory of deep weathering profiles, or early product of lateral groundwater flow? Sacred cows make the best hamburgers! (4.6Mb)
21 Mark Arundell, Rex Berthelsen Local Scale Variation - Lag sampling in the Cobar Area, NSW, Australia (2.6Mb)
22 Stephen Fraser, Bruce Dickson Ordered Vector Quantization for the Integrated Analysis of Geochemical and Geoscientific Data Sets (4.0Mb)
23 Bruce Dickson, Angela Giblin An Evaluation of Methods for Imputation of Missing Trace Element Data in Groundwaters (0.4Mb)
24 Cliff Stanley Univariate Data Presentation: The Contouring Conundrum and Philosophical Arguments Regarding the Contouring of Geochemical Data (1.4Mb)
25 Gwendy Hall Punctuated equilibria in the 30-year evolution of geochemical exploration under cover (3.6Mb)
26 Iain Dalrymple, David Cohen, Simon Gatehouse An alternative approach to partial geochemical extractions: The Pink Leach (0.9Mb)
27 Ryan Noble Locating Ore Undercover using a Bacterial Leach and other geochemical techniques (1.1Mb)
28 Charles Beaudry Partial/Selective Extraction Soil Geochemical Survey, Renaissance Deposit, McLeod Grid, Matagami, Quebec (3.4Mb)
29 Michael Jones From Tropics to Tundra: Geochemical Exploration's Brave New World (5.2Mb)
30 Graham Carr, Neil Rutherford Uranium Exploration Using Pb Isotopes : Opportunities In Partial Extraction Geochemistry (0.5Mb)
31 Mark Fedikow The Discovery of the Hunt Gold Zone: A Mobile Metal Ions Process (MMI) Success Story (2.9Mb)
32 Craig Rugless, Robert Watkins Targeting Gold Mineralization Below Lake Way, near Wiluna - A Potential Geochemical Method for Exploring the Extensive Salt Playa Lake System of Western Australia (4.0Mb)
33 Chris Benn, Claudio Porto Geochemical Dispersion in the Lateritic Regolith of the Chapada Cu-Mo-Au Deposit, Central Brazil (5.8Mb)